2016年9月19日 星期一

Moses bridge 摩西橋 Jun 2016


可以在Google 上尋找Moses bridge,依照導航可以找到。然後將車子停在路旁,就可以沿著小路找到。



2016年8月5日 星期五





2016年2月9日 星期二

Skiing, Karuizawa ski resort or Ryuoo ski park

Feb 8, 2016

It' self-fulfillment to learn skiing at the age of 40s. After practicing in the morning at Karuizawa, I am enjoying skiing now.

Now I could slide down mild slope, accelerate or decelerate at my own will. This small accomplishment brought me huge pleasure.

Karuizawa ski park is big and well-organized.

2016年2月7日 星期日


Feb 6, 2016

It's easy to tell the importance of this temple by purely looking at the map of branches all over Japan.

The architecture is spectacular.

2016年2月5日 星期五

Ryuoo ski park

Feb 5, 2016

Could anyone enjoy skiing at his 40s? I would like to find out and spend 5 hours practicing at Ryuoo ski park.

2016年2月4日 星期四

Snow monkey

Feb 4, 2016

As one kind of manmmals, human seems to be different from other species.

Most people like onset, but it's really weird that so many humans looking at few monkeys enjoying spa. It's purely man-made attraction, but son many people buy in the idea. 

I am one of those poor guys walking 1.6 km in the freezing weather to see monkeys. But you could say that it's trip full of wonders.

2016年2月2日 星期二

上諏訪 (かみすわ) Kamisuwa

Feb 2, 2016

Today the outside weather is -1 degree. Probably I could see a frozen lake if I could stay longer since the temperature is becoming lower coming days. 

It takes 2.5 hours from Tokyo to Kamisuwa by JR railroad. Most people comes here to enjoy osen(おんせん)and the natural scene. Today you can still enjoy spa at this historical 片倉館(かたくらかん). 

Have you heard of fishing through a hole on the frozen lake? You could experience fishing on the icy water with 2000 yen per hour.  I join the fishing with other 15 persons. At the end of that hour, nobody fish anything. 

2016年2月1日 星期一


Feb 1, 2016

Those photos are taken inside Kitain(喜多院), the place where the third Tokugawashi (徳川氏) was born. 

Although there is one fatal design of this tourist attraction, where the main shopping area is crossed by one major road. I do admire the overall concept of the tourist approach. You definitely will not expect every member of your company will enjoy history. But they might go shopping or sightseeing while waiting for your culture time. 

2016年1月30日 星期六

上野(うえの )& アメ橫。 Ueno & Amejoko

Jan 30, 2016

Ueno park is rich in natural attractions, rich in culture and rich in tourists. There are 3 national museums in this park.

I have to admit that I didn't spend too much time in Ueno park. The allure of this area is from Amejoko, the shopping district. As a vibrant market, many items are sold at bargain prices. 

2016年1月29日 星期五

Shopping Day(購物日)

Jan 29, 2016

As a consumer, it's really better to be in a big market than in a small one.  To correct my myopia, I've wear glasses for almost 30 years. Two years ago, I've learned of OrthoKeratology(OK lens) which can correct myopia. But the lens solution is pretty expensive in Taiwan. Luckily, I learned that I could buy the solutions in Japan with much lower price. To be specifically, I could buy the lens solution with the same price tag, the difference is that in Japan the price in Japanese yen while Taiwan in Taiwanese dollars. The exchange rate is 1 Taiwanese dollar to 3.7 Japanese yen for your reference.

I was the product manager in Acer in charge of European monitor market. One of my responsibility is to make the reasonable price table in each country while maintaining profits in each market. The result tends to be much higher price in small market since the same amount of overhead while handling comparably smaller quantity in small countries. 

2016年1月28日 星期四

橫濱港 Yokohama harbor

Jan 28, 2016

It's a crowded ride by MRT from Tokyo Shinjuku to Yokohama harbor. You really won't expect seats on 山手線(やまのてせん).Later 東橫線(とうよこせん)is better. But if you are lucky to have  one free sunny winter day, it definitely worth the time and hassle.

Motomachi(元町)is great for shopping as well as for eating. There are also many Chinese restaurants in this area which serve not so traditional Chinese food.